How to pay utility bills through the Internet:

Those who have gone through the procedure of payment of electricity bills in public department, agree that this is unbearable. It is unbearable due to the fact that one has to stand in the queue for how long it is unbearable and due to the fact that when his turn comes, the operator is already tired and performs all the necessary operations extremely slowly. It is no less unbearable that every time you have to specifically choose the time to pay, and not all superiors like this.
But the development of Internet technologies, the glory of the Almighty, does not stop, but progresses at an accelerated pace, so today you can avoid unpleasant impressions and sensations, but simply use the Internet services for the Electricity Bill Online Payment through the Internet.
Internet banking: This is a modern technology of remote banking services and a great opportunity to pay for any housing and community services at home or at work. The main credit institution in Nigeria calls this service Sberbank Online, and to work with it you will need any bank card of this institution, whether Visa, Classic, Maestro, Electron and others.

To work in the service, you will have to activate the Mobile Bank service, with your help, confirm the payment transactions and even enter the online service. In addition, all expenses incurred on the card, in the form of SMS alerts, reach the phone. The service itself is connected to the bank when you make a card.
The second stage of the connection to Internet banking is to obtain a permanent identification number and password: these are the main keys to logging into the system. You can obtain them through an ATM or by phone (to do this, send an SMS to the short number "900" with the word "Password" and the last 5 digits of the bank card number). Sberbank's online security system is two steps away, so a one-time password is also required to log in, a large list of such passwords can be obtained through an ATM or every time you log in a Mobile phone.
In principle, the difficulties encountered by the beginner are only at the entrance of the system, then everything is much simpler. To Pay For Electricity Online through the Internet, go to the "Operations" section, where you select the "Payments and services" tab. In the large list you find the utilities, fill in the fields of a special form, enter all the required details and make a payment transaction confirming the new one-time password.
The results of the payment will be shown on the screen, if you wish, they can be printed. As a general rule, the money is credited to the account within one business day. But your status can be traced in the "History of operations" section.
Sberbank's online security system helps people to Pay Bills Online In Nigeria.

Procedure for electricity recharge online:

The first step in this option is to verify the nearest point of sale to recover your card. When you get the smart card, you can do Electricity Recharge Online with that. The prepaid electricity meter codes use a 20-digit PIN to top-up the balance.
